King of Clubs

King of Clubs

by Cee Martinez

I would eat pickles for you
because down my throat
gold like sunshine
I don’t mind the time that passes
slow like baby Violas in the bin
or the pills powdered on our teeth

I would defy time for you
spread like dark matter all the moments I capture and fold you into my

keep me on
Russian water
keep me from

and I’ll

keep you on
cold war chatter
keep you from

we’ll explore the realms of this keep awake
with the weight of WE
stuck with heat
to peel away from other
and then to tangle more
and more
conscious of privilege
of Interzone
of imagining you with a badge on your nipple
sticky and stuck on a Monday afternoon
I wanted to take a picture
you turned my phone upside down
I thought this is as handsome
as any tryst could get
I didn’t swallow didnt keep the spill
but my fill
was met by Annexia and heat

Cee Martinez is an artist, piano teacher, writer and world traveler living in Lakewood, Colorado. She has a passion for Gin and is probably obsessed with you. On Instagram @peeriebarra; on Facebook @authorceemartinez; on Twitter @dazedpuckbunny.