Jack of Diamonds

Jack of Diamonds

by Cee Martinez

you dated a knife thrower’s assistant once
it kind of popped
like balloons by my cheek
her blonde more butter than yours
her hair cleaner than yours
and I’d dreamt you’d poured to me
and I’d dreamt I held your cheeks
and I think you stole my cap
and in you walked with her
butter braids for a summer enough
for me to take back
the months I slept wept
ill for the man who sprung a child bride and asked me to wait for spring

Cee Martinez is an artist, piano teacher, writer and world traveler living in Lakewood, Colorado. She has a passion for Gin and is probably obsessed with you. On Instagram @peeriebarra; on Facebook @authorceemartinez; on Twitter @dazedpuckbunny.