Art feature — 3 works from Koss

Art feature — 3 works from Koss

This week’s feature includes three pieces from past Sage Ciggs contributor & best of the net nominee Koss. We have featured their work in June of 2023 & September of 2023.

Marsh sketch by Koss

This piece utilizes watercolor, water-soluble pencils and regular colored pencils and part of a series of sketches from the neighboring fields where I live.

Tornado Sketch by Koss

This piece was done using custom-made graphite paint with the addition of some pencil. It is part of a series of tornado images I’ve been doing for several years. The graphite adds something atmospheric and menacing to the image, making this a departure from some of the others which were regular watercolors.

Wuthering Heights erasure
Wuthering Heights erasure by Koss

These pieces were originally published by Permafrost.

These pieces are not a commentary on Wuthering Heights specifically, but use the existing text as a contemplative space for poetic explorations often falling into feminist themes.
I use pen and ink, collage, hand-drawn elements, colored pencils, pastels, gouache, and custom-made grounds for the images. Many are then tweaked using digital means. The staircase image had photos modified and collaged into the text.

Koss (she/them/they) is a mixed race artist and writer with over 180 publications in journals and anthologies. They have a chapbook, Dancing Backwards Towards Pluperfect, coming in ’24 from Diode Editions. They’re grateful to everyone who have published their work, nominated it for awards, and supported it on social media in all the ways. Find links to their work at