Visual Art Feature With Koss

“Love Letter to Queers Who Suicided.”


Erasure pieces

Koss is a queer artist, writer, and web designer with work in over 220 publications including Sage Cigarettes, Cutbow Quarterly, Moonpark Review, Gone Lawn, Flash Boulevard, Beaver Mag, Anti-Heroin Chic, diode poetry, Michigan Quarterly, Cincinnati Review (miCro), Mom Egg Review, Westchester Review, Gone Lawn, Bending Genres, San Pedro River Review, and many others. They have work forthcoming in Petrichor Mag, Prelude, diode poetry, and Permafrost, and have received BotN and Pushcart nominations for art, poetry, CNF and fiction — plus had work in Best Small Fictions 2020. Other anthologies include Get Bent (Bending Genres), Beyond the Frame (diode poetry), and Punk (Kissing Dynamite). Find links to their work at or catch them on Twitter: @Koss51209969 or Instagram: @koss_singular.