Soul Catcher

Soul Catcher

by Rollin Jewett

I can kill with my eyes
and tell all the lies
that my cold little heart should desire.

I can gamble and win
‘cus my partner is sin
and I rage and I burn like a fire.

I can cut like a knife,
I can ruin your life
with a smile from my cruel, mocking lips.

I can make you a fool,
I use hate as a tool
and I’ll tear at your heart ’til it rips.

I can take all the gold
and the silver you hold,
and believe me my “friend,” that’s not all…

I can squeeze out your soul
and then patch up the hole,
when and if I should happen to call (and I will).

My crime always pays,
I can turn you to ways
that you never would think of before.

And I’ll promise you love
and a heaven above,
and a place in the sun, even more.

I can do what I want
for I’ve power to flaunt,
but mere power will not satisfy.

You’re in my control
because I own your soul —
from the day that you’re born ’til you die.

Rollin Jewett (aka Rollin Jarrett) is a playwright, screenwriter, actor, author, singer-songwriter & poet. Rollin’s screenwriting credits include the thriller Laws of Deception and the campy cult classic American Vampire. His poetry has recently appeared in Southern Fried Autopsies, Gathering Storm, Gravitas, and Penumbra and his short stories can be read in Fell Beasts and Fair, Ghost Stories: An Anthology, Open: Journal of Arts & Letters, Vagabonds: Anthology of the Mad Ones, Fantasia Divinity, and Coffin Bell among others. Rollin lives in Holly Springs, NC with his wife and son.