The Artist Chooses Her Coat of Arms

The Artist Chooses Her Coat of Arms

by Charles Leggett

red-to-orange butterfly
wings coiling at their ends
into tentacles fore-
grounding lean nude grayish
humanoid figures with
charcoal splotches bearded
on their faces, some with
light peach-shaded pantries
hovering behind, some
much more violently
abstract, skulls surrounded
by butterfly wings red-
to-orange, or tentacles
camouflage yellow-and-
green, at times I wonder
why aren’t I happier

Charles Leggett is a professional actor based in Seattle, WA. His poetry has been published in the US, the UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Nigeria. Recent publications include Volney Road Review, Ocotillo Review, Heirlock Magazine, Automatic Pilot, Eunoia Review, and Galway Review; work is forthcoming in Poetica Publishing’s next Mizmor Anthology.