City vein

City vein

by Amara George Parker

I watch the river
and remember the week it brought
driftwood as large as a boat filled
with political intent.
Object and tide translate
the interaction of my ideals,
my hopes of justice as they
with stonebred practicalities —
ancient behemoths as old as the city
This discord
and clouts
time-worn bricks
of bridges built before
we ever thought to challenge
the other
more insidious

Amara George Parker is a London-based writer. Their short story, Rafterland, appears in Mslexia’s Other Worlds issue, and their poetry has been published in literary magazines including Spoon Knife, Sufi Journal, and Earth Pathways diary.
As a queer disabled writer, they hope their work offers readers an inclusive perspective. When they’re not writing, they love being immersed in nature or listening to something sultry or funky. They’d love to chat to you about literature, drag, disability, paganism, and boats. Will read your tarot for a price. Follow them on Instagram @a_g_parker.