Day 71

Day 71

by Paul Robert Mullen

the eye of the world
has opened
on Minneapolis, USA, today

Twitter is enraged

city streets swamped with incensed
sick of smug white-male despotism
funded by corporate feeders
enabled by corrupt xenophobic deniers
emotionally manipulated by the great orange
pussy-grabbing bigot

America has seen one-too-many
casual unnecessary murders
of black citizens
by those tasked with upholding
civil liberty

Trump calls rioters “thugs”
Threatens White House protesters with
“vicious dogs and most ominous weapons”

amidst the horror
of it all
pandemic ripping through nations
like wet tissue
is this the21st century
we’ve come to know?

Paul Robert Mullen is a poet, musician, lecturer, radio presenter, traveler and sociable loner from Liverpool, U.K. He has four published poetry collections: curse this blue raincoat (2017), testimony (2018), 35 (2018) and disintegration
(2020). He has been widely published in magazines worldwide. Paul is the co-founder and editor of The Broken Spine Artist Collective.