

by Stef Nunez

“I met you in the dark,
You lit me up”
These lyrics echoed in the
Empty chambers of my heart
Always. On repeat.
Even in my sleep, I used them
To manifest the kind of love
I yearned for in my broken spirit

Even though they didn’t match up
With the soft electric ripples
Pulsing from your guitar,
Played on an amp at low volume
In the early hours of the morning,
I still heard the words

I heard them in the dark, 
A sound birthed from strings
Plucked lightly by fingers that
Had just touched me as tenderly
and filled the hallways in my chest

You lit me up

Stef Nunez (she/they) is the Editor-In-Chief for Sage Cigarettes Magazine. She has spent more time encouraging her staff to write than submitting herself, but she can be found here and there. In addition to the writing she has posted up on here, she has been published in 3 Moon Mag, Alien Buddha Zine, and Olney Magazine – to name a few. In audio form you can catch Stef as a regular co-host on Horror Podcast, “A Ghost in the Magazine”.