Two fairytale-inspired art pieces

Two fairytale-inspired art pieces

by Mikki Aronoff

Aronoff created these drawings purposely using her non-dominant hand. The medium is charcoal on a long dowel rod. Each piece is named after the story that inspired them.

The False Collar
The Flying Trunk

Mikki Aronoff scribbles and scrawls in New Mexico. She has work in Flash Boulevard, New World Writing, MacQueen’s Quinterly, ThimbleLit, The Phare, Bending Genres, The Ekphrastic Review, The Fortnightly Review, Milk Candy Review, Gone Lawn, Mslexia, The Citron Review, Atlas and Alice, 100 word story, trampset, jmww and elsewhere. Her stories and poems have received Pushcart, Best of the Net, Best Small Fictions, Best American Short Stories, and Best Microfiction nominations.