Betty Draper as Sylvia Plath

Betty Draper as Sylvia Plath

By Courtenay Schembri Gray

“When you don’t have any power, you have to delay things.”
– Betty Draper

The immaculate housewife. A shotgun,
like a baby in her hands. Nails of summer

cream, peachy and crisp. With every pop,
there is a sizzle within her white nightgown.

Her daughter is a neat reflection, silver in
the tooth, and golden in Daddy’s eyes.

Lying on the sofa of the counsellor’s room,
she dissolves sentiment in a twilight sleep.

Born and raised in the North of England, Courtenay Schembri Gray reared her head as a budding poet with a penchant for the macabre. After finding a kinship in the rich verse of Sylvia Plath, Courtenay has amassed a grand amount of publishing credits. Her poetry collection, ‘The Maggot on Maple Street’, was published by Anxiety Press in 2023. You can follow her on Twitter @courtenaywrites and her on her Website