Date Night at the Monestary

Date Night at the Monestary

By Mark J. Mitchell

I miss Pope Joan. She was that funny one
who could make every fast day’s night roll slow
as a vigil. She sang like a young nun
at matins, holy as a pope. Funny, once
we kissed after vespers. When we were done
she prayed, waking Brother John who didn’t know
Joan was a pope—a pious, funny one.
She fasted days lasting nights, rolling slow.

Mark J. Mitchell was born in Chicago and grew up in southern California. His latest poetry collection, Roshi San Francisco, was just published by Norfolk Publishing. ‘Starting from Tu Fu’ was recently published by Encircle Publications. A new collection, Something to Be and a novel are forthcoming. He is very fond of baseball, Louis Aragon, Miles Davis, Kafka and Dante. He lives in San Francisco with his wife, the activist and documentarian, Joan Juster where he made his marginal living pointing out pretty things. Now, he’s looking for work again. He has published two novels, three chapbooks and four full length collections so far. His first chapbook won the Negative Capability Award. You can find him at or on twitter @MarkJMitchell_Writer