Freyja’s Birth

Freyja’s Birth

by Ceinwen E. Cariad Haydon

Molten metal floods the devil’s anvil, fire gives birth to Freyja. Agony sheens and shudders, gasps and groans until she is delivered, and gnashed teeth slice her umbilicus.

The mid-wife, Njoror, fond white witch, watches wanton women spirit Freyja far away. Reared to revel, exult in pleasure, through days of war and comrades, sex and lovers. Then, unforeseen, wisdom grows her still and cool, solid and formed in beauty. She grows young held in human dreams.

Ceinwen writes short stories and poetry. She is widely published in web magazines and in print anthologies. Her first chapbook was published in July 2019: ‘Cerddi Bach’ [Little Poems], a Stickleback by Hedgehog Press. She was a winner in the Nicely Folded Paper Pamphlet Competition July 2019 and her first pamphlet is due to be published 2019/20. She has an MA in Creative Writing from Newcastle University, UK (2017). She believes everyone’s voice counts. On Twitter @CeinwenHaydon.