Fiction schedule & reading period

Fiction schedule & reading period

This is L, Sage Ciggs’ fiction editor, & I wanted to make a quick announcement regarding the current open reading period & publication schedule.

I have received several submissions & I am in the process of reading through & should have some of my first decisions out by the end of day Sunday, July 3.

I plan to keep submissions open on a rolling basis but may have a lull in responses in August & October due to planned travel & other creative obligations (#31daysofhorror with Ghost in the Magazine). As always, if I don’t respond within 2 weeks, feel free to send me an email & check in.

I am planning to start posting work to the website next week. I will be posting on Fridays in July & hope to expand to Friday & Sunday in August.

Anyway, submissions remain open, so please feel free to keep sending things my way.