

by LE Francis

Here comes the heat 
again. & in my opinion
I’d be fine without 
another summer 
in the pines. Without 

swallowing swallowtails 
& choking on the flutter
& wondering why 
the deep space freeze 
of my palms suddenly hold

the surface of the sun. He is 
as gorgeous as the summer, he is 
light years away, & I’m only 
an observer of the stars. I have 
too much to do, too much to say 

& I can only read 
the constellations 
for someone else.
Still I can’t help but feel 
all the suns, the worlds, 

the invisible lines between 
my heart & his hands – 
another summer 
in the pines, in the heat,
I guess I’ll survive. 

LE Francis is the fiction editor of Sage Cigarettes Magazine.